5 Costly Mistakes That Are Sabotaging Your Holiday Sales! Signup
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5 Costly Mistakes That Are Sabotaging Your Holiday Sales (and how to FIX them!)

Dec 10, 2024

Let’s have a REAL talk…

The holiday season is officially HERE and this season can be extremely stressful and chaotic, especially for small business owners! And low holiday sales can cause even more STRESS, frustration and overwhelm. If you’re lacking in the Holiday pre-order or sales department, you may be making these 5 COSTLY mistakes that are sabotaging your success (and NO it’s not your products!)

Mistake #1: You’re doing GUESSWORK instead of GOAL WORK! This could be just selling as much as you can and hoping for the best VERSUS, knowing what your total revenue goal is, how much you wanna charge, and how many units you NEED to sell of that product in order to reach that goal.

Mistake #2: You have great products, you’re just offering TOO MANY! If you’re a home baker and you don’t operate out of a storefront, you need to limit the amount of offers that you have. By having TOO MANY options, it creates confusion, buyer fatigue, and you wanna be very specific with what you’re offering. This leads me to mistake #3…

Mistake #3: You have to SELL what the people want, not what you want and love to sell. Right now during the holiday season, people are shopping for GIFTS so that they can give gifts. When you understand WHAT your customers want and need in any particular season, you know that you have to create products that are designed to meet their needs. For example, during Christmas, you would want to be creating products that are designed for gift-giving. If you find yourself not knowing what to sell then you may be making mistake #4.

Mistake #4: Ignoring Trends! I share with my students inside my coaching communities, Power Hour and Momentum to think about what’s cool, popular, or a hit right now and how they can create something that is unique to their brand but is aligned with that trend. By following trends you position your business as an industry leader and are more likely to create products that are share-worthy.

Mistake #5: You’re doing TOO MUCH of the WRONG things. Because the holiday season is chaotic and it feels like you never have enough time, you can easily fall behind and get caught up in the daily tasks that are required when running a business. These include things like fulfilling existing orders, managing inventory, answering emails, etc. But this only leads to YOU missing the mark when it comes to planning, strategizing, and getting organized for a successful holiday season.

If you find yourself making ANY one of these 5 mistakes, figure out what your products are and come up with five different ways to talk to your customers in a post, video, or reel, and let your customers know how this product that you’re offering solves a solution or problem for them and would be a great GIFT because of x, y, and z and then post about it.

If you found this helpful and want more guidance on HOW to have a successful holiday season and increase your sales, grab my Holiday Sales/Planning workbook for only $9 for my exact strategy and best practices.

Happy Selling!

Xo, Janelle


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